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What Can I Get to Keep Cats Out of My Garden

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  • What Doesn't Work At All
    • Forks, Pointy Sticks, Or Chopsticks
    • Cat-Deterring Plants
    • Eggshells
  • Methods That Sometimes Piece of work
    • Sprinkling Herbs On The Soil
    • Spiky Mats
    • Sharp Mulches
    • Urine
    • Oils And Sprays
    • True cat Deterrent Products
    • Claiming It Every bit A Man Space
    • Reducing Their Natural Prey
    • Making A Truce With Kitty
  • Surefire Ways To Keep Them Away
    • A Quick Burst Of Water
    • Securing Yard Borders
    • Garden Fencing
    • Soil Barrier Solutions
    • Enlisting Aid

Y'all've put lots of time and effort into your garden. Possibly yous've added raised beds with phenomenal soil. Mayhap yous've amended in-basis beds to sheer perfection. And suddenly, the neighborhood cats think your garden spaces are their personal litter box. How do y'all continue cats out of garden beds successfully?

There are many, many tips suggested online. Unfortunately, a lot of these methods just don't work well. Sometimes they're very short-lived. Other times, they're just completely ineffective.

On the vivid side, there are means that do work to deter cats from your advisedly cultivated soil and prevent them from damaging your dahlias. We'll start by exploring tips that frankly don't work. Afterwards that, we'll talk nigh options that are brusque-lived and that may need to be done over and over. And finally, we'll cover surefire methods to keep cats away.

So let'due south dive into it!

What Doesn't Work At All

There are quite a few techniques suggested online that but simply don't work. While they're among the most mutual to detect suggested, they're just ineffective or, in some cases, downright silly. Allow'south explore a few of these!

Forks, Pointy Sticks, Or Chopsticks

Testing cat prevention techniques
I tested many methods, but the forks were a total bust… literally. Source: Lorin Nielsen

I actually tested this one personally some years agone (every bit the above photo shows, along with other cat prevention methods such equally giant PVC/chicken wire cloches and fabric walls around beds). And let me tell you, forks were one of the worst garden mistakes I've always made. I think I'll be picking $.25 of plastic forks out of my garden for years to come up.

Plastic forks, you lot come across, are non UV-resistant. They go breakable every bit they sit in the lord's day, something I hadn't considered initially. Not only that, but they're very like shooting fish in a barrel to knock over whether they're put in tines-downward or tines-up. The cats simply push them out of the way. And if you've always watched a kitty on the table with a glass of h2o, you'll know cats love to push things!

The aforementioned problem is true of pointy sticks or chopsticks. Even if you infinite them as a field of pointy sticks a couple of inches apart, if the cat is adamant, it'll just push them aside. And, to add together insult to injury, they might do what my neighborhood ferals did and knock them over and poop right on them.

Cat-Deterring Plants

There is a found called the Scaredy True cat Institute. Coleus canina, also known as Coleus caninus or Plectranthus caninus, is said to repel cats with its smell. And information technology sounds appealing, really; planting plants cats don't like seems like an like shooting fish in a barrel win. Unfortunately, it'south more likely to deter any homo that comes near gardens. The scent it releases is reminiscent of skunks.

Worse, the scaredy-cat plant might actually entice dogs to go curl effectually in it. If you've ever watched a canis familiaris roll around in something that smells bad, you lot might get to see information technology happen with your prized pet. Unfortunately, Coleus canina is simply not constructive as a deterrent!

Other alive plants that are claimed to deter our feline friends include rue, lemon thyme, lavender, pennyroyal, geraniums, rosemary, or garlic. While these oasis't had whatsoever real effect on the cats in my expanse, I normally grow near of them in my garden anyway. I can't recommend them equally cat deterrent options, but in that location's certainly no harm in growing them if you'd like to.


So many magical garden uses are ascribed to eggshells. But in this instance, it's claimed that the eggshells deter cats with their pointy sharp edges.

Unfortunately, cats volition march right across them, and the eggshells will crumble nether their weight. Information technology doesn't take much to crack an eggshell, later on all, and most adult cats are at least eight-9 pounds and often every bit much equally 12-14 pounds. An already broken vanquish has no adventure against a determined garden pooper.

Methods That Sometimes Work

Sprinkling Herbs On The Soil

Keep cats out of garden
Information technology can be hard to keep cats out of garden beds. Source: yousukezan

The plants that I mentioned higher up that cats dislike (supposedly) are often spread across the soil's surface, too. In fact, some recommendations advise that you lot prune your plants and so drop them everywhere. If you experience like putting in extra effort, I've seen it recommended to dry them out and powder them to sprinkle around.

If cats dislike the plants, the scent of freshly crushed leaves might deter them for a few hours. But in one case the initial smell fades, usually inside 24 hours, it's just not constructive anymore. Most dried institute materials lose their smell and begin to intermission down far too quickly.

There are 3 things that tend to hold their olfactory property a little longer than most other options. Crushed hot peppers like cayenne, some pipage tobacco types, and used coffee grounds may actually keep cats at bay for upwardly to two-3 days. Cayenne has a nasty side result, though; if cats walk through it and and then lick their paws, it can make them ill. But if you don't mind sprinkling the coffee grounds from your morning pot of coffee over the garden every few days, you may find some effectiveness in that.

There's i other option that's claimed to be effective: citrus peels. It's claimed that orange or lemon peels spread out across the soil's surface will turn cats away by their olfactory property. But in that location's i trouble with this: orangish peels will also go moldy and may attract flies or other pests. Citrus peels likewise await a fleck foreign spread around the garden.

Spiky Mats

At that place is a brand of mat called the "Cat Scat Mat" that is essentially plastic mesh with ¾" spikes on it. To use it, yous lay it on the soil'southward surface. The spikes are nearly an inch or and so apart, so information technology's virtually impossible for cats to walk across information technology comfortably.

A similar effect can be gained by using plastic carpeting runners with their spikes pointed upwards. But with both of these options, yous end up with this strange-looking mat on the surface of your soil. You can place it on top of mulches if yous're trying to foreclose moisture evaporation from your soil, but that doesn't brand information technology look any better. Yet, information technology'southward quite effective if you lot can find a way to minimize its appearance.

Sharp Mulches

Cat in flower bed
They may be ambrosial, only cats can actually be a hassle in bloom beds. Source: Tilly Sfortunato

Forth the lines of the prior suggestion, sharp mulch materials may have some effect in keeping cats out of garden beds. Things like pine cones, splintery bark mulches, sharp woods chips, or jagged rocks can be effective for brusque periods of time.

Unfortunately, unlike the mats, digging through the sharp mulch is an option for the kitty. An outdoor cat is actually quite likely to run across prickly things similar this in the wild. And likewise, crushing up hundreds of pine cones or getting splinters every time you work in the garden may not exist the best pick for you. Rock mulch is the nearly constructive of these, but it also retains quite a lot of heat… something that may not always be what you want.


Did you know you tin purchase predatorial fauna urine? Coyote pee is one of the well-nigh common. And yes, animate being urine works… for nearly a week.

Only like the aroma of constitute thing, the scent of beast pee fades with fourth dimension. Hot weather degrades the smell chop-chop, although it might be very stinky for a fiddling while. Rain dilutes information technology and washes it away. Kitty may make your garden into their litter box once the odour ebbs away, assuming that the predator has passed.

At that place is a gratis solution, simply it's one many people might find distasteful: man urine. As long equally you don't have whatsoever medical conditions, using urine every bit fertilizer is a viable option, and it'due south also a way to go along cats away. Merely just like predator pee, it only lasts for a niggling while, and it's most pungent when fresh. You might not relish that option.

Oils And Sprays

I of the about popular ways to keep cats out of gardens, co-ordinate to the internet, is with the apply of other evil-smelling sprays. Concoctions of a diverseness of essential oils, sprays made out of garlic, or other strange homemade remedies are widely touted as effective. And they are… briefly.

The big problem is that the natural oils in many smelly plants like garlic just last for short periods of time when applied to the garden. The sun's UV rays will break them down rapidly, and the exposure to fresh breezes will dissipate the scent.

In add-on, while a lavander-citrus-eucalyptus spray smells skillful to united states of america, it may not be ideal for cat safety. Many essential oils are actually poisonous to cats. If the true cat does walk through your garden correct after an awarding of a spray method like this, information technology gets all over the cat'south fur. When they lick themselves, they tin be seriously harmed. If y'all do desire to try something like this, exist certain it's something non-toxic!

Cat Deterrent Products

At that place are a number of retail products out at that place that claim to exist natural repellent for cats. Some are granulated, some are liquids. But how effective are they really?

The answer to that question is "somewhat". Most of them employ the aforementioned essential oils, powdered peppers, or garlic additives as mentioned in other categories on this list. So they piece of work, but merely for a brusk-term outburst of efficacy.

As well, near of the retail options really don't take appealing smells for us, and y'all're still going to want to keep using your garden while you're treating it with repellent!

Claiming It Every bit A Human Infinite

Accept you lot ever tried to stare down a true cat? This is the garden version of that method, and it tin be somewhat effective.

Claiming your garden as your infinite tin involve putting your own shed hair from your hairbrush around the garden or applying your own pee effectually the perimeter. This marks it as a human space.

Calculation items like wind chimes or clickers, spinners, and pinwheels may also get in less appealing for kitty. And of course, removing scat or using a hose to wash downwardly cat markings may reduce the true cat visitation.

Unfortunately, many cats are in that location when you're non. In the center of the night, cats may nonetheless creep into the space you've claimed as your own and repeat their marking. This technique is, as a result, very express for preventing cats from using your garden as a litter box.

Reducing Their Natural Prey

Cat on the prowl
A true cat on the prowl. Source: Fernando Sa Rapita

If yous make it inhospitable as recommended above, don't forget the potential of eliminating their prey. Subsequently all, cats like to hunt; information technology's instinctual. And if yous accept fat mice around your compost pile or lots of small-scale birds, they may be fatigued to your thou like a child is lured to the sound of an ice foam truck.

By reducing the number of prey animals available on your property, you may slow down the frequency of cat visits. Just this is not guaranteed.

Making A Truce With Kitty

Finally, you could try to brand a truce with neighboring cats by providing them their own tribute space every bit a peace offering. Placing clean litter boxes, or even their ain garden "bed" box with no plants in information technology, might exist simply what they're looking for. If you environs the peace offering space with plants like catnip or catmint, you may entice the kitty to become over at that place instead of into the pea patch or beet bed.

The downside to this method is that you'll demand to proceed the litter scooped and ensure that their special infinite is enough. Depending on the cat, information technology may or may not exist.

Surefire Means To Continue Them Away

So what means to continue cats away are left after all of this? Actually, there are quite a few. Let's explore those!

A Quick Burst Of Water

There's a reason why cats vs water is one of those common stereotypes in film and TV. Well-nigh cats are non really fans of getting unexpectedly wet. So using h2o to shoo off unwanted visitors can be extremely effective.

I am a huge motion-activated sprinkler fan. A device like this tin can be set up whenever yous're not going to be out gardening and is continued directly to the hose. When it senses movement, it shoots a burst of water towards that movement.

These are not without theoretical drawbacks. At offset, you may have some slightly overwatered plants in pop spots in the yard. But gradually, the cats will acquire that your garden is full of unexpected water. Best of all, it's a non-toxic, non-harmful method. If you want cats to stay away from the yard, this is a fantastic way to do it.

Fair warning: you will eventually become hit by your own motion-activated sprinkler. It'll probably happen on that day when you lot forgot to drink your coffee in the forenoon, and y'all will be presented with an unexpected shower. Just look on the bright side, you'll know information technology works!

Don't desire a move-activated sprinkler? Y'all can ever but use your hose when y'all're in the yard to send a spray after prowling kitties. This won't work when you're not abode but is effective when you lot are.

Securing Thou Borders

Coyote roller sample
A sample version of a fence roll bar, which is sometimes called a coyote roller. Source: svantassel

This is the natural extension of claiming your yard as a human being infinite, but information technology focuses on keeping cats out in the first place. There'due south a number of means to do and so.

Rollers, besides called roll bars, are circular bars that are made to top your 1000 fencing. When a cat tries to walk along the contend elevation or scramble over it, the bar spins and the cat tin't get a good grip. They slide back down on the other side of the debate.

Roll bars are also really effective at preventing your canis familiaris (or the neighbor's dog) from hopping the fence. If they tin't hold on to the pinnacle, they can't easily vault over. And that basically doubles the efficiency of your fence. Simply they can be a pricey solution, so this may be something to consider as a last-ditch try.

For something slightly cheaper but nonetheless effective, in that location's another solution. If you practise not currently take pets of your own, getting a device that emits high-frequency sounds in the k may exist a perfect solution. These ultrasonic repellents are likewise high-pitched for the boilerplate homo ear to pick up, but animals can hear them. In addition, ultrasonic repellents are ordinarily quite mobile. Only option up the device and move it to the area that'southward most impacted past cats.

Unfortunately, your neighbour's pets and any pets you might have will exist unhappy with these high-pitched sounds. It'southward not a solution that volition work for everyone, but it is very effective for people who are looking to reinforce any bulwark to protect their garden.

Garden Fencing

What if your exterior fencing is already every bit reinforced as you can make it, but you lot're however finding poop scattered effectually on the ground in your beds?

Double up on fences by making specific fences around individual beds. These tin be elaborate or plainly equally needed. I utilise wood and chicken wire to create debate panels on stakes and then tap them into place equally needed. Yous can likewise create mesh plastic fencing with T-post supports, giant cloches of PVC and chicken wire, or fifty-fifty floating row cover hoop-houses covered with tightly-secured bird netting or floating row cover fabric. Anything that will block directly access to the bed is a good solution here.

I of my favorite setups is built of PVC, shade cloth, and old pallet wood. I have a bed designated for shade-loving plants, so I congenital a hoop house frame out of PVC to support shade material. I then used the onetime pallet wood to create slatted fencing at the ends of the bed that'south not large plenty for an adult cat to get between. On the front access to the bed, the shade cloth is anchored to the ground by a long, weighted slice of PVC pipage. When I need to work in the bed, I simply pick up the weighted pipe, roll up the shade material it's attached to, and put it up at the top of the hoop house while I'm gardening.

Soil Barrier Solutions

Cat relaxing among plants
Cats love to hang out on the cool soil under taller plants. Source: interestedbystandr

We went over "scat mats" earlier, just there are other solutions that prevent digging at the base of your prized plant, too. And they are often cheaper and more effective at the same fourth dimension.

When yous've finished preparing your beds in the leap, lay some chicken wire on the soil and secure it with landscape fabric staples (the long, U-shaped wires that you push in to secure landscaping fabric). Your garden will grow up through the chicken wire, but cats won't be able to dig through information technology, and the thin wire will be uncomfortable on their paws. Plus, wire is slow to dethrone and inexpensive to replace.

Similarly, lattice fencing can work the same way simply will encompass more of the soil. It's also a lot more than visible but tin can look really good if you lot're growing the right kind of plants in the mesh holes. This option also may reduce weed growth around desired plant types.

Finally, there are always cloth solutions. In some forms of farming, using blackness plastic or landscaping textile on the soil around plants not only reduces weed germination only besides keeps pests from digging into the soil. Y'all can opt for ane of those, or get a flake more than organic by using old burlap coffee sacks with holes cut out for each institute.

Enlisting Help

If yous tin can't beat them, why not join them? Get your own animals and let them stake their claim on your yard. Having dogs is an excellent deterrent for most feral cats, whether or not the dogs are friendly towards them or not.

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